Metric and Standard Precision made gears and Small gearboxes




KYOUIKU GEAR MFG. CO., LTD. (hereinafter called “We”) fully acknowledge social request for protection of personal information and promote appropriate and fair management of personal information.

1. 弊社はお客様へよりよいサービスをご提供させて頂く為、適正なルールに従い個人情報を取得致します。

1. We obtain personal information following appropriate rules in order to provide a better service for our customers.

2. 情報の利用目的

1) 新商品情報等、取扱商品に関するご案内・営業上のご連絡
2) 各種イベント等のご案内・ご招待
3) 商品やサービスに関するご意見・ご感想の提供のお願い
4) お客様にとって有意義と思われる情報のご提供及びご提案
5) 当社にとって必要となる統計資料の作成


2. Objective for the utilization of personal information.

1) Notifications  regarding our product line including but not limited to new product information as well as information regarding our own existing line
2) Notification and invitation to events
3) Request for feedback and performing polls about our services and products
4) Notifications and offerings with information thought to be valuable to our customers
5) Reference for the creation of statistical data required by us


3. 第三者提供に付いて

1) 弊社ではお客様の同意を得ない取得個人情報の第三者提供は原則禁止とさせて頂きます。
2) 弊社は特定者(取引先メーカー及び取引先販売店等)と適切な措置の基、情報の共同利用を致します。
3) 個人情報保護法23条1項〔1号〜4号〕に該当する場合。


3. Provision of personal information to a third party.

1) In principle, we do not provide any personal information to third party without prior consent from our customers, except in the following cases 2) and 3).
2) We may share personal information with our distributors and suppliers if required in order to accelerate our response.
3) In case that the provision of said personal information to a third party is applicable to the Personal Information Protection Act 23, paragraph 1 [No. 1 to No. 4 ]


4. 情報の管理に付いて

4. Management of personal information
We manage personal information by following the appropriate guidelines stated on the Personal Information Protection Act.

5. 開示、訂正、利用停止等


(保有個人情報が存在しな いときにその旨知らせる事を含む)を求められたときは、遅滞なく要求に応じる事と致します。(但し、法の定めで非開示が許される場合を除く)


お客様ご本人から、保有個人情報の訂正、削除、利用停止等を希望された場合、もしくは、 商品情報やサービスの提供を希望されない場合には、弊社迄ご連絡下さい。


5. Disclosure, correction and suspension of services.


Requests for disclosure of personal information pertinent to our customers, will be provided without delay if said request is identified and approved as to be originated by said customer. If we do not have the personal information requested, we will inform the customer when such is the case. However, we will refrain from disclosure of said personal information when the Personal Information Protection Act allows us not to disclose said information.


When a customer requests a correction, deletion and/or suspension of those services that require the usage of personal information, or in case our customer do not required notice of our product line, we will correspond to these requests as soon as possible.

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